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Sohot Yoga

PTSD Yoga Bio-Hack

A stress-reducing bio-hack that's easy to understand and implement.

During periods of trauma or high stress...

the body creates a lot of physical tension. This tension often gets fused into the body and can remain for years and years.

No matter the nature of the trauma or stress, be it physical or psychological, the body attaches itself to the event in the form of body tension.

Simply having a heated row with someone can create a lot of body tension that can remain in the body for a very long time after the event.

Even just thinking about a traumatic event that happened many years ago can very easily re-ignite that body tension.

This body tension feeds into our hormonal soup...

knocking the body out of homeostasis, which amplifies the physiological memory of the event, which in turn, feeds back into the body, creating more body tension.

What you now have is one giant feedback loop that escalates out of control.

As outlined in the book, The Myth of Normal (Dr Gabor Maté ), if your body is constantly out of homeostasis due to historic body tension, you open yourself up to the mountain of autoimmune diseases currently escalating throughout the world.

The classic way out of this dilemma is to visit a psychologist who will try to help you untangle the psychological aspects.

I am not suggesting this option should not be explored; however, untangling the psychological aspects of trauma is highly complex and emotionally challenging. Plus, as Dr Gabor Maté explains, results are often limited.

An alternative approach that I have witnessed achieve amazing results, is to target all your efforts on eliminating the body tension that was fussed into the body during the period of trauma or high stress.

By reducing body tension, you put a stop to that feedback loop.

Nothing will remove the event from your memory. However, by eliminating the associated body tension, many people discover they are better able to release their emotional attachment to the event.


In order to reprogramme the body to intuitively release tension when practising yoga, you have to alter your intention and where you’re targeting your effort.

Best of all, it is so easy to do and everyone can do it no matter their physical condition.

If you wish to explore this mindset and reprogram your nervous system to instinctively release tension while the body is engaged in yoga, you will find an engaging 37-minute self-paced online workshop on our website.

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Bill Thwaites



Online 37-minute Workshop


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You will learn how to increase performance WITHOUT stress or tension in a rapidly short amount of time.

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