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Sohot Yoga

Eagle Pose Passive Vs Dynamic

Have you ever tried interlacing your fingers in Eagle pose?

Interlaced Fingers

Most of us have done this in the hope that one day...

shoulder mobility will have improved so much that you'll be able to get the hands-palms perfectly flat together.

Hands-palms flat together

Seeking to one day get your hands-palms interlaced perfectly flat together is a great goal, but forcing the body into submission is the wrong way to achieve it.

You cannot force greater mobility.

A lack of mobility is either due to joint tension and/or a neuromuscular disconnection. Typically both.

Interlaced Fingers & Tension ❎

You create a massive amount the shoulder and upper spine tension if you interlace the fingers.

This tension makes it impossible...

for your inner quick-acting dynamic stabilization strength to come out and maintain a strong open upper core and open shoulder sockets.

This means shoulder mobility never truly improves.

You could go to the opposite extreme...

and not even try to interlace the arms and simply place each hand on the opposite shoulder.

But now, the shoulder joints would not be neuromuscularly engaged, so once again, shoulder mobility will never improve.

Stiff Shoulder modification ❎

The body will never adapt to give you greater mobility if...

the joints are not neuromuscularly engaged, and/or you have a lot of joint tension.

Having suffered from frozen shoulders and arthritic hips...

I know the challenges of dealing with almost zero mobility.

After over 12 years of yoga practice and not really improving, I realised that despite working very hard and sweating buckets, the standard mindset to Bikram yoga is surprisingly neuromuscularly passive.

The standard mindset of passively squeezing the body inward will not forge a body capable of pain-free flexible movement we can use in daily life.

In the cutting-edge science of human health & performance...

it is well known that all good movement in life is underpinned by a relaxed, dynamically engaged open body structure.

When you train with that in mind, that's what your yoga practice will deliver.

Your daily life will be more...

engaging and dynamic yet relaxed and stress-free.

If you wish to explore this mindset and reprogram your nervous system to instinctively release tension while the body is dynamically engaged, you will find an engaging 37-minute self-paced online workshop on our website.

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Bill Thwaites



Online 37-minute Workshop


WATCH & ENGAGE NOW .... don't hang about!

You will learn how to increase performance WITHOUT stress or tension in a rapidly short amount of time.

Are You Ready?


Hot Seller

Our recently published book is a hot seller with hot yoga students, teachers and studio owners.

You will learn all the tricks to eliminating joint pain while boosting performance.

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