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Sohot Yoga

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The Lion King's Secret: Intensify Bikram Yoga Beyond Performance.

Lion King  & Bikram yoga

Back in 2012, a remarkable moment of insight struck me. I was leading a Bikram yoga class brimming with dynamic West End dancers from "The Lion King". Each of them possessed a certain magical quality in their practice.

It wasn’t their strength or flexibility, which they had in abundance, but something else. This intrigued me deeply, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was.

Sohot Bikram Hot Yoga Standing Bow

A Stark Contrast

This magic was glaringly absent in my previous class full of seasoned yoga teachers, gathered for the International Yoga Championships.

Why didn't these experienced yogis display the same quality?

Yoga a Stark Contrast

The Eye-Opening Truth

The answer unfolded in my next regular 4 p.m. teaching slot, popular among The Lion King and other West End dancers. When I asked them why they practised yoga, their unified response illuminated a profound truth: They practised not for performance or perfection but for restoration.

Their focus was on expanding their bodies in the most relaxed, coordinated way, engaging dynamically yet gently.

Lion King Dancer in Standing Bow Pose

A Lesson in Relaxed Power

One dancer demonstrated this beautifully by performing a technically perfect Standing Bow. However, in class, her foot wouldn't even go over her head, let alone straight up at 90 degrees. She always chose a far more visually restrained approach in class. Her practice wasn't about performing; it was about body engagement, enlivening the body's intermuscular communications.

All the dancers intuitively knew that focusing on achieving perfect alignment or the extent to which they could go in a yoga posture had nothing to do with healing and restoring their bodies.

My Personal Yoga Journey

My Personal

As a yogi grappling with ageing, stiff joints, and back & sciatic pain, this was a revelation.

Here was a group of professional dancers who, with the aid of Bikram yoga, were able to rapidly restore their bodies from the intense demands of their nightly performances. Their approach was contrary to everything I had learned during my teacher training, but it resonated deeply with me.

Restoration Sohot Yoga

The Shift to Restoration

I realised that my own practice, focused on achieving perfect postures, was not truly serving my body. In contrast, the dancers' approach of engaging the body in a relaxed, expansive dialogue was the key to restoration, transforming the body to be more flexible with an abundance of functional strength.

I was taught that adhering to the various alignment rules protects us from injury when, in fact, as I now know, such contracts create injury, doing little to restore the body.

Body tension is the real devil when it comes to body restoration. In truth, you can position your body anywhere you like, provided your body is not experiencing body tension.  

The magic key is tuning into and actively eliminating body tension. It's not easy; it takes practice.

Hatha Yoga My Epiphany

Performance vs. Restoration

My epiphany led to a transformative shift in my practice. It's not about easing up but engaging differently—with zero body tension, focusing on expansion, decompressing the spine, and communicating with the body's core functional strength. This approach challenges you in new ways, bringing profound restoration and transformation.

Sohot Yoga Bruce Lee

Embracing the Sohot Method: A Pathway to Discovery

I've named our unique approach the Sohot Method. In this practice, we harness Dynamic Breath Control as the key to unlocking the body's intermuscular coordination. It's about opening the body through active relaxated engagement, giving it the liberty to explore, play, and unveil its inherent superpowers.

As Bruce Lee said, you must be loose at all times; otherwise, body tension will rob you of your coordination, power and focus.

Hatha Yoga Hot Yoga Introspection

On the Mat: Performance or Restoration?

Each time you step onto your mat, pause for a moment of introspection: Are you there to perform or to restore? It's essential to recognize that opting for performance-focused yoga isn't inherently problematic. However, if you're seeking restoration and transformation to enhance your performance in everyday life – much like I am – then understanding your purpose in practising yoga becomes crucial.

Bill Thwaites Sohot Yoga Online Master Class

Your Invitation to Transformation

Come join the Sohot community exploring this life-altering approach through my Online Sohot 26+2 classes. It's dynamic, hard, but great fun!

Or watch my introductory 37-minute workshop. Here, you'll dive deep into the essentials of dynamic breath control and how to engage your body in a conversation of empowerment and ease. You will learn how to Intensify Bikram Yoga Beyond Performance. This workshop isn't just a learning experience; it's the first step in transforming your yoga practice into a source of profound personal growth and discovery.

Please try it, and in the comment section below, tell me how you got on.

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Bill Thwaites

Senior Yoga Teacher

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